

We strongly recommend that you read the whole book before coming to this page.


This is the main cast of the House of Dies Drear movie.

Shavar Ross                    Thomas Small

Howard E. Rollins Jr. –    Walter Small

Gloria Foster                  Sheila Small

Joe Seneca                      Pluto

Frances Foster             Great-Grandmother Jeffers

Hardee T. Lineham –      Edgar Carr

Tichina Arnold               Pesty

Kadeem Hardison –        Mac Darrow

Hank Ross                       Wilbur Darrow

Eugene Clark                  River Ross Darrow

Gene Mack                    Russell Darrow

Richard Mills                  Kenneth Small



Here's an organizer we found on the web... it might be useful. 

Imagine what you would do if this was on your screen: 

I made this advertisement, I thought it would be fun! Imagine if this was real though! 

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